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70 years of experience in designing of objects for by-product and coke making industry !

Coal-charging cars and guide cars, coke pushers, electrical locomotives, hot-transferring and coke-quenching cars, equipment for dry coke quenching units (charging and discharging devices, blowing devices, hoists), equipment for the coke oven batteries (doors, flash plates, frames, gas-air valves, shutoff fittings) and other equipment are designed by PJSC “KB Koksokhimmash” to service the coke-oven batteries with coking chambers of volume 20 m3 - 50 m3 as well as coal preparation plants and coke-screening stations, devices for mechanization of time-taking work in the coke-making industry and local systems of process program control.

State Design Bureau of Coke Chemical Machine Building (KBK) was established by the order No390 of the People's commissar of Ferrous Metallurgy of USSR in November, 27, 1945 and formed as a joint-stock company PJSC “KB Koksokhimmash” in 1996. At present time the control packet of shares of joint stock company belongs to the management company - COAL STEEL CONSTRUCTION LTD. (Percy Street, 5, London, WIT IDG, 9877506)

Within passed years, KBK created several generations of coke oven machines and provided their manufacturing application. Machines and equipment, produced based on KBK design are operating at most of by-product coke-making plants of the former USSR and also in India, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Algeria and other countries.

Creative experience, obtained for years, raised KBK into one row with such leading research and development organizations as Giprokoks, UHIN, VUHIN and others, cooperation with these organizations became the basis for perspective projects for technical re-equipment of by-product coke-making industry under more and more tough environmental protection requirements, such as: charging of coke oven chambers with heated blend, manufacturing of formed coke, continues layerwise coking, coke partial performing and production of stamped coke.

High level of KBK design has been approved with 420 inventors’ certificates and patents in 15 countries including USA, UK, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and others. KBK is a participant of 32 license agreements. According to decision of Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, PJSC “KB Koksokhimmash” has been appointed the head organization for scientific and technical provision of machines and equipment designing for the by-product and coke-making industry.

Our partners - machine building companies of India: Bhilai Engineering Corporation limited (BEC www.bec-group.com), Beekay Engineering Corporation (www.beekaycorp.com) - work based on engineering documentation, elaborated by PJSC "KB Koksokhimmash".

Officials realize concept of further active influence of PJSC “KB Koksokhimmash” on the process of technological and technical improvement of by-product and coke-making industry and environment safety provision.

If designing and modernization of equipment for by-product and coke-making industry is required for you, we are ready to consider any of your requests.